Pea Tarts

These sweet tangy and salty little puffs of deliciousness are just so damn easy to make, you must give this recipe a try. They taste amazing and only uses a few ingredients. They are good at this time of year when we all seem to be socialising more and are all looking for a quick easy recipe to take with us to a party or to share at home with family and friends.

Peas have always been a favourite of ours. Usually I make a quick puff pastry tart with caramelised onions and goats cheese but this time we wanted something a little different, more like finger food. Something you pick up and have a few bites and it’s gone. The problem with this is you only get 2 to 3 bites to get that taste sensation going so our brains kicked in and we came up with these little gems. We hope you agree that we have nailed it.

We are using the ready rolled puff pastry as it is really reasonably price easy to freeze and it comes in gluten free and vegan variety’s. We quite often buy this when its on offer and have a few in the freezer.

At first we worked on a good creamy whipped feta but we felt less was more with this recipe and decided on just a crumbled feta , I think you will agree it was a good call. You get all the flavours in each bite and nothing gets lost or over powered. We did want the micro pea shoots but couldn’t get our hands on any but It does’t really matter they were still great.


For the tarts

Ready rolled puff pastry sheet 320g

2 1\2 cups of frozen peas

2 tbs mint sauce

1 tbs tahini

zest and juice of 1 lemon

150g crumbled feta

1 egg

For the drizzle

1 tbs olive oil

2 tbs capers

juice of 1 lemon 2 tbs cider vinegar

2 tbs fresh mint

1 tbs basil


1. Cut the pastry into 3 lengths and then divide into 4 widths to make 12 squares ( see picture below)

2. Score a line around the edge about a few mm from the outside. ( see picture below)

3. Glaze the outside border with the beaten egg and cook for 15/20 minutes at 200*.

4. Leave to cool.

5. To make the filling cook the peas for 5 minutes in boiling water.

6. Blend with the tahini, lemon zest and juice and season well.

7. Press down the middle of the pastry cases or remove.

8. Share the pea mixture between the cases.

9. Add the crumbled feta.

10. Make the drizzle by chopping the capers and basil and add to the rest of the drizzle ingredients.

11. drizzle over the pea tarts , add pea shoots and enjoy.


Spicy Chapati Wraps


September Favourites