Vegetarian Sausage & Caramelised Onion Rolls

Hey there, I've got a scrumptious recipe for you! It's quick and easy to make, perfect for a mid-week meal, a party, a picnic, or even a tasty lunch box treat. The best part? You can customize it to fit your dietary needs. You can use vegetarian, gluten-free, or vegan pastry.

The onions we use are red these have a milder flavour than the white but are also a little sharper they are not as expensive as shallots but work similarly.

For the filling we use a plant-based mince that has more moisture, although we love Quorn mince for Shepard’s pie etc it’s just too dry for this recipe. When it comes to glazing we use an egg to glaze these rolls but if we are making them vegan, we opt for plant-based milk.

When you're cooking the onions, be sure not to stir too much. This will help them caramelize more quickly, and you'll get a delicious sweet flavor, just keep the heat low. We love using black sesame seeds for a pop of color and a nuttier taste, if you haven't these use the white ones.

We used thyme and sage as we just love this combination and it was the only herbs we had at hand. Dried herbs would be fine to use too

So there you have it, a tasty and versatile recipe that you can make your own. Enjoy!


1 sheet of puff pastry

350g plant based mince

350g Red onions

1 tbsp Sage

1 tbsp Thyme

1 tsp ground cumin

1 tsp sugar

1 tbsp pomegranate molasses



1 egg

Black sesame seeds


  1. Chop the onion in half then thinly slice.

  2. Cook in 2tbsp oil for 15 minutes in a pan with a lid. Stir the onion every 5 minutes.

  3. Add the sugar and pomegranate molasses and cook for another 3 minutes stirring regularly. Now take off the heat to cool.

  4. Chop the thyme and sage and add to the plant mince with the cumin then form into two long sausages

  5. Unroll the pastry and cut in half lengthways.

  6. Place each sausage shape onto the pastry near the long edge.

  7. Halve the onion mixture and add to each pastry piece at the side of the mince mixture

  8. Wet the edges with egg and pull the pastry over and crimp the edges together.

  9. Slice each roll into 8 pieces

  10. Rest the rolls in the fridge for 20 minutes.

  11. Glaze with egg and scatter with sesame seeds .

  12. Cook for 25 minutes at 200* \ 180* Fan.


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