On The Shelf - Mirin

This month we’ve been making a lot of quick and easy bento boxes for lunches, and have some mirin leftover so we thought this would be a good ingredient for on the shelf. Mirin is a type of rice wine typically used in Japanese cooking that gives a great tart sweetness to savoury dishes. So see below for three ideas to use up your leftover mirin we know you have in the cupboard (we guess you’ve tried to make sushi at home)

  1. Sticky Rice

    We use the Veetee sticky rice and add a tablespoon of mirin for one portion and use any leftover veg for a quick and simple sushi bowl

  2. Stir Fry Sauce

    Mix 2 tbsp mirin

    1 tbsp soy sauce

    1/2 tbsp of rice vinegar

    Add to stir fried veg and cook through for a few minutes to thicken slightly

    Add your cooked noodles and serve

  3. Mirin Garlic Butter

    Mix softened butter with some mirin and crushed garlic

    Great on fried mushrooms or even use for garlic bread


March Favourites


Cupid’s Rose