
“ Come on Barbie Lets Go Party “

You guys must remember this song and we thought our drink being so pink and fun just called out to be made into a Barbie drink. The new film is out soon so this ties in perfectly. We actually made this drink last summer and have been saving it till the perfect time. I think it was about the same time we began to think about a food blog. We had a friend that gave us some homegrown rhubarb and this along with a cake is what we came up with. Please don’t let the bright colour of this drink put you off it is really delicious, but a word of warning they are stronger than they look take it from people that know LOL

The Syrup

  • 600g rhubarb

  • 1 cup of granulated sugar

  • 1 cup water

  1. Wash the rhubarb, cut of the ends then chop into roughly 1 inch pieces

  2. Put the ingredients into a pan and simmer with a lid on for around 10minutes, or until the rhubarb has broken down

  3. Strain through a sieve lined with a cheese cloth (or clean tea towel) into jug and leave to cool

The Drink

  • 50ml gin

  • 25ml elderflower liqueur

  • 50ml rhubarb syrup

  • Juice of half a lemon (approx 20ml)

  • Granulated sugar to rim the glasses

  1. Put the martini glasses upside in a shallow dish of water then dip into granulated sugar to rim the glass

  2. Put all ingredients in a shaker full of ice and shake for 1 minute until the shaker is frosted

  3. Strain into the sugar rimmed glasses and enjoy!

Thanks for reading


“On the shelf "Green Pesto


July Favourites