Vietnamese Coffee Cinnamon Buns

Hey folks, I've got to share this amazing recipe with you. Who can resist the deliciousness of cinnamon buns? That's right, no one!

These gooey rolls of goodness are perfect for breakfast, lunch, or anytime, really. They are absolutely divine straight out of the oven with a quick drizzle. And guess what? If you reheat them the next day for just 30 seconds in the microwave, they'll taste freshly baked again. The Vietnamese coffee complements the buns perfectly, as the strong coffee flavor is balanced out by the condensed milk drizzle. If you've ever had Vietnamese coffee with condensed milk, you'll know what I'm talking about. It's pure perfection! Trust me, this recipe is super easy, and I'm sure you'll be making it very often.

Want them for breakfast? just pop them in the fridge at stage 13 and let them proof overnight, then bake them in the morning. You can adjust the glaze to your liking – less or more, it's up to you, if you're like us, more glaze!

Hope you enjoy these x


For the dough

600g Strong Bread Flour

1 tsp salt

1 tsp cinnamon

7g dry yeast

100g caster sugar

2 large eggs

1 tsp vanilla extract

200ml warmed Vietanamese coffe made with mik

For the filling

110g butter

180g brown suger

2 tsp cinnamon

1 egg yolk to glaze


Vietnamese coffee made with 3 tbs coffee and 50 ml water

50 g condensed milk

4 tbs icing sugar


  1. Add all the dry ingredients for the dough to a mixing bowl, we use a stand mixer with a dough hook but feel free to mix by hand if you fancy a workout.

  2. Add the warm Vietnamese coffee to the melted butter, vanilla extract and eggs.

  3. Add this wet mixture to the dry ingredients and start mixing.

  4. Start on a slow setting to combine then mix at an higher setting for 7 minutes. If you are doing this by hand it will take a good 15 minutes to get the gluten working.

  5. Grease a large bowl with oil and place dough in with damp tea towel on the top. Leave to prove for 1hour till doubled in size.

  6. Now make the filling while you wait.

  7. Cream together the butter, sugar and cinnamon till smooth and creamy.

  8. Stretch the dough into a rectangle onto a lightly floured surface.

  9. Roll out to roughly a 2 cm rectangle.

  10. Spread the filling over the whole surface

  11. Roll up the dough tightly into a sausage shape.

  12. Cut into uniform slices 12 to 14 ish

  13. Place onto a parchment lined try and let rise again for 1 hour .

  14. Glaze the chinnom buns with egg yolk and cook at 180C for 20mins

  15. Mix the glaze ingredients and add to the warm cinnom buns . Be as artistic as you want

  16. Enjoy straight away or microwave the following day for 30 seconds.


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